Friday, November 19, 2010

My experience learning English at the University

Today I will write about my experience learning English at the university.
First of all, I started the English class last semester in level three, so, now I am in my second semester of English class. And there were done for different teacher. I could say that the first one was very different with the second one.

I could recognise a lot of really good things of the way that this semester had done.
We always did the classes sat in a circle, which allow that we were constantly watching our faces. In this way also we could listen better to the other, we could identify the really thing that the other wanted to express, watching there expressions.

Also those allow that the classes were very dynamic. Everybody was very wake up and attentive, even when we were very tired. Maybe because when we are constantly listening and talking, it is no time to distracted and we always be paying attention

We talked about a lot of different things. For example, about our experience with our family, university, etc.

Other important thing is that because we were not so much students, the teacher could use a personal education, so it was difficult that someone remained behind.
Talking and listening to the other is a good way to practise a language.

Also we could improve our English redaction, because every month we must write about two bloggs. There we could practise our vocabulary, our expressions and also it was a good way to think in English.

A not very good point is that some days we had evaluation which are not the best way to evaluate a language learn.

I have to recognise the great teacher that we had. He showed us an entertainment way to learn a language. For this reason we have to thanks his work with us.

Bye, and I will not return.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Free Iraq

Today I’ll talk about the last warlike conflict between The United States of America and Iraq. Even though it’s been a while since it ended, I find it relevant to stop in a reflexive way to understand its cause.
The objective of this war was supposed to be bringing down Sadam Huseins tyranny that had oppressed this country for many years. To set the country free.
To help a country that has been oppressed is not a bad idea, but the way chosen to reach this objective is the important matter.
Trough this war, Iraqis citizens generated different protests asking their “saviors” to leave them alone. Why? Shouldn’t they be grateful for being setting free? Well, maybe they are just as free as they were before the USA invasion, or worse.
To search freedom using violence seems ironic, to impose democracy by force seems ironic as well.
Iraqis died by “missed” bombs in more than one occasion, and rebel forces from the country have murdered in terrorist attacks their own people to protest against the foreign invasion. The search of freedom turned in to the oppression of liberties.
Iraqis lost their families and friends, liberation process did not help them at all. Maybe there was no intention of liberating the country at all. Maybe there was another reason to set this country “free”, maybe war was not intended to help them, but take advantage from them. It wouldn’t be the first time the strong takes over the wick.

I Hope this has meaning for you too.

Friday, October 22, 2010

“Brain and Learning”

Today I am going to write about a topic that the “Brain and Learning” text treats.
This topic is titled “But I read somewhere that we only use 10% of our brain anyway”.
I will first make a small review.

This part of the text talks about an incorrect theory, a myth which nowadays some people still believe in. This incorrect theory was based in first in Einstein, who in an interview said that he only used 10% of his brain. And in other hand it was based in a Karl Lashley investigation which said that some areas of the brain had not function, this was called the “silent cortex”.
This myth was also based on the fact that only the 10% of glial cells transmit information. And the other percent don’t. But it was refused because the other glial cells do have a specific role, to nurture and support nerve cells.
Today Neuroscience have found that the brain is 100% active. And studies say that the brain has specific areas with different function, but these areas are connected. So when one area is in function, the other areas are not inactive.
And also an important thing that the text says, is the the nature selection theory , which refers that is very cost to have a complex brain like the human, so it doesn’t make sense to have a complex brain which only uses its 10% capacity.
For this reasons this myth has been completely refused.
In my opinion, and to be honest, before I read this text I really thought that we only use the 10% of our brain, because maybe in the school everyone thought so, maybe because it was nice to think we had such unreachable capacity. But after I read the text I could realize and connect element and I could conclude that this thesis has a lot of true. So now I can be sure that our brain is 100% active.

Bye and good luck!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A healthy life style. Is it possible? How?

Today I will write about the possibility of having a healthy life style, and how to do it.
To begin I would like to explain what healthy life means to me.
To be healthy does not necessarily mean you’re free of all illness, or at least what most people understand about being ill. I speak of health as a whole complex life condition that requires harmony in every single way.
To have a healthy life is to treat you responsibly.
An important element to reach the required balance in a healthy life is to have a good nutrition. This is extremely important because your body needs all the nutrients to behave better every single day. Because if you have a healthy nutrition you should have the right physical condition. Now a day is not weird to have a bad nutrition, in a society where time seems to be the most precious wealth and food is sometimes just a waist of time. In this context the market offers food that does not provide the best nutrients but does satisfy the urgent matters. Also, this bad nutrition is responsible for many diseases of the actual westernized culture, for example obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and many more.
But a good nutrition is not enough to reach the required balance in a healthy life style. Another important factor is to have an active life, meaning not to be sedentary. For this reason it is very significant to practice sports as a constant part of a routine.
We could say now that you have a perfectly healthy organism, but that’s not a life style, what you need to complete the task is to fulfill your life with activity that also satisfies your concerns.
But it is important to say that we’re not alone in this world, we live in society. For this reason it is not enough to help yourself in the search of health, but also help others.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Diario de Motocicleta

Hi, today I will write about a movie that amuses me witch is called “Diario de motocicleta”.
This movie talks about Che Guevara’s first steps in his revolutionary life, not necessarily as the armed civil soldier everybody knows him for, but as a young man intrigued by his land and its history.
The journey starts in Argentina where he just graduated from medicine school. He was very moved by social unfairness and there was no way for him to stay indifferent , but he was decided to build his mind over reality and for that he had to live enough experiences to truly understand the problems of the people, not only in Argentina, but also in its neighbors countries.
This is the reason he decided to travel all through the continent in search for the real meaning of life.
At the beginning he travels by motorcycle. The first destiny is Chile, where he could get to know plenty of places, people and most of all have fun.
His second destiny was Machu Picchu. In this sanctuary the trip takes a much more spiritual connotation where the experience he lives makes him realize the importance of his Latin-American roots.
The last place he visits is the Amazonas. In this beautiful land he gets in love of nature and is wealth but also gets amazingly touched by poverty and sickness.
I wrote this because I think you can’t live if you haven’t seen this movie that shows a very human and close image of one of the most famous social actors in our continent.

Friday, July 9, 2010

About my blogging

Today I will write about my experience in Friday’s afternoon writing in my blogg.
That experience was very new for me, because I don’t really know about computers and internet. For this reason in the beginning it was a little difficult to know about the functioning of this page, but now I can use it very good.
I can say that this class was very finding for me, not only because it was a relaxing time but also because it was a moment to think and write about a lot of things.
I like it specially because in my career the study was very scientific and I am not very scientific, I can say that I am very humanistic. So this blogg was a good way to write and develop this area, the letters.
Also I could improve my English. Write helps me to know a better vocabulary and also helps me to have a more fluent English thinks.
Also I could improve my talk English because if I get better writing in English I also will be better talking in English.
This class had a lot of good advantages. It gave me a great moment to share with my companions. It shows me a funny way to learn. I could improve my English and also I could know more about the technologic, the internet services.
But I have to recognise that one disadvantage, which was very disagreeable, was the place where it was. It takes me a lot of time moving. And for this reason sometime I came late.
But in spite of this it was a really entertainment class and an interesting way to learn.
This is my final session, so I want to dismiss, and I hope you that you could enjoyed with my writings.
By and see you maybe in another life.


Friday, July 2, 2010

My ideal job

Today I will write about my ideal job.
I think that my career, physical therapy, has a lot of areas that you can specialize in. For example, you can choose neurology, respiratory, orthopedic, cardiology, etc...
And also you can work in hospitals, in a sport club, in a theatre, so technically there is a whole world of opportunities inside the career itself. And each space requires different ways to proceed.
But in my case, I think that I would like to work in the neurology area, especially in a public hospital for children.
I think it's maybe because I like a lot the things that you can do with the rehabilitation of a human, I mean the ways you can help people, the tools you can use for it. You have to be very creative.
For example, you have to think and also imagine of the better way to do an improvement in the patient, not only in their physical area but also in their psychological. Because disability is the condition of not being able to perform because of a physical or psychological disorder.
For this reason, in the treatment you have to use different instruments, for example, balls, different textures, sounds, colors, etc. These instruments help people to stimulate this nervous system and also their body.
And also another reason is because I will have to use my imagination to help a patient reach rehabilitation with not many resources, because public hospitals are very poor in their implements.
I want to work with children because in this period of life the organism is very perceptible to changes. Children are always learning and their body is much more adaptable than a grownup.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Torres del Paine travel


Today I will talk about more than a description of a photo (which was taken by my sister called Margarita), but also about a special moment of my life.
You can see that I am in Torres del Paine, where is in the south of our country.
This traveled was realized in February, 2009. And we were my two sister, called Margarita and M. Jose and me.
We were there about two weeks walking and walking. We did all the route of the natural reservation.
It was a big travel in every sense. For example, the relation with the nature. The experience with it was wonderful. I couldnt believe the greatness of the milenary icesheets.
In other hand the relationship with the people that we knew there was very intense. We could talk about a lot of things in spite of our diference.
And finally, the relation with our sister and with my self was very close. Specially because the place gave you the tools for ponder with yourself.

It is a picture impossible to forget, I hope that you can enjoy it.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Educational crisis

In spite of the evident change in the educational system in our country and the concept of education around the world, educational changes are not as fast as they should be.
Along with the technology, matters, topics and educational tools constantly changes as society does. And today big social changes are related to social movement, to give enough opportunities to people so they can reach their goals. And evidently, education is the only way to create this opportunities, without education, or even worse, without a decent educational policy no human being in a westernized society will make his way to “happiness”.
This is a real problem nowadays, because education in Chile is directly related to the economic condition of people. And as long as the educational system doesn’t try to include poor people in its main policy, the difference between rich and poor will increase every day. In order to reach this goal, the state must have a much more active economical participation in educational institutions.
Assuming that talents are equally distributed in every human being is unfair to give unequal opportunities depending on their economical situation.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Today I will write about the differents stereotypes from our faculty.
First of all we can find the typical grind and organized man or woman, they are always studding and talking with the profesors, and obviusly, they have realy good marks.
Another stereotype that we can look for are the hippies,they are very peaceful. Is very common that they play some instrument and also they use to listened a similar music, like folkore, andean music and sometime rock not very hard.
Sometime we search with sporty persons. They use to enter to the university with the sport scholarship. They usually wear track suite and sneaker. Some of them are always in the gim, and they love the endorphins.
Also in our university are a lot of people that have strange hairdoes with odd court of hair. And also some of them use to have different colors of their hair.
Another stereotypes are the politics students, who are always purified and without time. Nevertheless they are constant doing a lot of activities. And also we can find them in different protest or debates.

Like a conclution in our university we can find a lot of different stereotypes of people, we can look for a lot of varied way to see the world and different way to face the problems and event.
And it is the big wealth that we must stand out of University of Chile.

Good luck!
And I invite you to know all of them.


Friday, May 28, 2010

my favourite subject

Today I will write about my favourite subject. I will write what is it, why it is important in my future, in my profesion, a little experiense and why its like me.
This subject is physical therapy introduction.
Every monday at afternoon we have to go to diferent hospitals. There we must talk with the kinesiology who works there, and also we must see and talk with the patiente and make a little diagnostic.
It is very important in my carrer because first of all it is a good way to know if we like the work contacting with humans. And also we learn a lot with the kinesiology that works there.
The last monday I went to Calvo Mackena ´s hospital. It was a very big esperiense, because I was with a little boy, who had cancer. He was very frigthened seeing a lot of white apron. And suddenly he star to bring up, but the nurse didnt do anything, she only walked and walked.
I realy couldnt believe that a human can lost the sencibility.
In spite of this experiense, I liked a lot this subject because I think that it is a little rapprochment of my future profesion.

I hope that you like it and luck !


Monday, May 10, 2010


Today I will talk about a website that I enjoy. But I have to be honest, the internet doesnt amuse my self. To sorrow that I know that nowadays the internet is very important, and I also know that I have to use it a lot, and I use it a lot.
So, for this reason, I dont realy know about diferent website, therefore if you dont entertaiment with my website, I realy sorry.

A page that I use to use is, there you can find all the lyrics and guitar chords of spanish singers.
I use it a lot because a love playing the guitar, and this website is very usefull for me, it is a fast and easy way where you can learn about a song. And also I very like it because I enjoy with the spanish music, specialy with the chilean artist, the troubadours and the folkclore.

When I surf in I relax my self, not only when I am surfing, but also when I delight with the music.

Finaly, I want to say you: give you I time, acces to my website, and try to make music. It could be better for you.

Luck and I hope you like it.


Friday, April 30, 2010


I will talk about the earthquake that our country damage.
It was at summer night, on February 27. I was in the beach with my boyfriend ´s family. At that moment I was sleepping, but just it began moving the earth I woke up. I was really nervious because the earthquake didn´t want to stop.
The next day was very strange, first of all we couldn´t go to the sea because there was a tsunami alert. Every body was very fearful specialy because nobody knew what will come. The next day we come back to santiago, where I got with my family together.
That week I was in santiago finding something to do for the disaster, and me with my sister went to "laguna aculeo" extracting rubbles for the day. But the next week I went to Iloca with "un techo para chile" for build mediaguas. It was a big experiencie, very impressive, because all the people of this country were very fearful and nostalgic, they really radiated sadness and distress. Then, when I came back to santiago, it was very uncomfortable knowing that in our country the people were in a tragedy. So, the next week I went to Lipimavida, again for built mediaguas. It was different to Iloca, because there wasn´t sea, but in spite of it, it was a dissaster.
And then I entered to the university, and the classes began.
Now I can say that chile won´t be the same as before.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Me and my profession

Well, first of all, I will explain why I chose to study phisical therapy.

I like the public health because it is a concrete tool to help other people. You can give an intersting and a real solution to the problem of the patient.

Other important point is that in phisical therapy you always work in a proces, in the treatment of patients. I have to be encouraging and giving good thougths to the patient, and in this way, the patient can get better.

And also, I like a lot my career because I want to mix the scientific treatment with other types of treatment, for example give solution trough music, theatre, alternative medicine; and I think that with the physical therapy I could mix all this ways of treatment.

I don`t realy know much about my carrer, because I am newly in first grade, but I realy hope that I would enjoy my election.

Friday, April 16, 2010

My name is Florencia. I live in Santiago of Chile and now I am studing Phisical therapy in University of Chile.
I have a lot of hobbies, for example, I love playing the guitar, and now Iam learning to play the "charango". Also I like a lot jogging with good music.
In the future I want to be a really good profetional, because I think that is my duty. In my life a had have a really good education, so, for this reason I have to use all the gadget that the life have give me.
I realy want that you have fun with my blog and you can share your opinion with other people.