Sunday, April 25, 2010

Me and my profession

Well, first of all, I will explain why I chose to study phisical therapy.

I like the public health because it is a concrete tool to help other people. You can give an intersting and a real solution to the problem of the patient.

Other important point is that in phisical therapy you always work in a proces, in the treatment of patients. I have to be encouraging and giving good thougths to the patient, and in this way, the patient can get better.

And also, I like a lot my career because I want to mix the scientific treatment with other types of treatment, for example give solution trough music, theatre, alternative medicine; and I think that with the physical therapy I could mix all this ways of treatment.

I don`t realy know much about my carrer, because I am newly in first grade, but I realy hope that I would enjoy my election.

1 comment:

  1. Well, first of all, I will explain why I chose to study phisical therapy.

    I like the public health because it is a concrete tool to help other people. You can give an intersting and a real solution to the problem of the patient.

    WW Other important point is that in SP phisical therapy you always work in a SP proces, in the treatment of patients. I have to be encouraging and giving good thougths to the patient, and in this way, the patient can get better.

    And also, I like a lot my career because I want to mix the scientific treatment with other types of treatment, for example give solution trough music, theatre, alternative medicine; and I think that with the physical therapy I could mix all this ways of treatment.

    I don`t realy know much about my carrer, because I am newly in first grade, but I SP realy hope that I would enjoy my election.

    good choice then... good luck!
