Friday, April 30, 2010


I will talk about the earthquake that our country damage.
It was at summer night, on February 27. I was in the beach with my boyfriend ´s family. At that moment I was sleepping, but just it began moving the earth I woke up. I was really nervious because the earthquake didn´t want to stop.
The next day was very strange, first of all we couldn´t go to the sea because there was a tsunami alert. Every body was very fearful specialy because nobody knew what will come. The next day we come back to santiago, where I got with my family together.
That week I was in santiago finding something to do for the disaster, and me with my sister went to "laguna aculeo" extracting rubbles for the day. But the next week I went to Iloca with "un techo para chile" for build mediaguas. It was a big experiencie, very impressive, because all the people of this country were very fearful and nostalgic, they really radiated sadness and distress. Then, when I came back to santiago, it was very uncomfortable knowing that in our country the people were in a tragedy. So, the next week I went to Lipimavida, again for built mediaguas. It was different to Iloca, because there wasn´t sea, but in spite of it, it was a dissaster.
And then I entered to the university, and the classes began.
Now I can say that chile won´t be the same as before.


  1. Wow, I would felt the same thing if I was near to the sea. And it was very important what you do to help :)
    Take care, I see you around.

  2. Mega disaster... we have to thanks that nothing happend to our hoses and family.

    take care !

  3. Yes...chile wont be tha same.

    A very doog story.

    Be Safe! :)

  4. Hi Flo!...I'm really impress with your solidarity! Good for you! And you are right. I think Chile will never be the same again.

    Take care!! see you around!

  5. I will talk about the earthquake that our country WF damage.
    It was at summer SP nigth, on February 27. I was in the beach with my boyfriend ´s family. At that moment I was SP sleeping, but just ^began moving the earth I woke up. I was really nervious because the earthquake didn´t want to stop.
    The next day was very strange, first of all we couldn´t go to the sea because there was a tsunami alert. Every body was very fearful specialy because nobody knew what TENSE will coming. The next day we come back to santiago, where I WW found with my family.
    That week I was in santiago finding something to do for the disaster, and WW I with my sister went to "laguna aculeo" extracting rubbles for the day. But the next week I went to Iloca with "un techo para chile" for WF built mediaguas. It was a big experiencie, very impressive, because all the people of this country were very fearful and nostalgic, they really radiated sadness and distress. Then, when I came back to santiago, it was very uncomfortable knowing that in our country the people were in a tragedy. So, the next week I went to Lipimavida, again for built mediaguas. It was different to Iloca, because there wasn´t sea, but in spite of it, it was a dissaster.
    And then I entered to the university, and the WF class began.
    Now I can say that chile won´t be the same as before

    interesting... were the people in the beach scared? I have never been in an earthquake or tremor by the sea.
    what did you learn?
