Friday, April 16, 2010

My name is Florencia. I live in Santiago of Chile and now I am studing Phisical therapy in University of Chile.
I have a lot of hobbies, for example, I love playing the guitar, and now Iam learning to play the "charango". Also I like a lot jogging with good music.
In the future I want to be a really good profetional, because I think that is my duty. In my life a had have a really good education, so, for this reason I have to use all the gadget that the life have give me.
I realy want that you have fun with my blog and you can share your opinion with other people.


  1. Flo as always beautiful thoughts. Im glad having you as my class mate !

    See you !

  2. Flo ! your ideas are like a bright light in the sky. i hope some day we can share some good ideas to other people. take care
