Monday, September 6, 2010

Diario de Motocicleta

Hi, today I will write about a movie that amuses me witch is called “Diario de motocicleta”.
This movie talks about Che Guevara’s first steps in his revolutionary life, not necessarily as the armed civil soldier everybody knows him for, but as a young man intrigued by his land and its history.
The journey starts in Argentina where he just graduated from medicine school. He was very moved by social unfairness and there was no way for him to stay indifferent , but he was decided to build his mind over reality and for that he had to live enough experiences to truly understand the problems of the people, not only in Argentina, but also in its neighbors countries.
This is the reason he decided to travel all through the continent in search for the real meaning of life.
At the beginning he travels by motorcycle. The first destiny is Chile, where he could get to know plenty of places, people and most of all have fun.
His second destiny was Machu Picchu. In this sanctuary the trip takes a much more spiritual connotation where the experience he lives makes him realize the importance of his Latin-American roots.
The last place he visits is the Amazonas. In this beautiful land he gets in love of nature and is wealth but also gets amazingly touched by poverty and sickness.
I wrote this because I think you can’t live if you haven’t seen this movie that shows a very human and close image of one of the most famous social actors in our continent.

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