Friday, October 22, 2010

“Brain and Learning”

Today I am going to write about a topic that the “Brain and Learning” text treats.
This topic is titled “But I read somewhere that we only use 10% of our brain anyway”.
I will first make a small review.

This part of the text talks about an incorrect theory, a myth which nowadays some people still believe in. This incorrect theory was based in first in Einstein, who in an interview said that he only used 10% of his brain. And in other hand it was based in a Karl Lashley investigation which said that some areas of the brain had not function, this was called the “silent cortex”.
This myth was also based on the fact that only the 10% of glial cells transmit information. And the other percent don’t. But it was refused because the other glial cells do have a specific role, to nurture and support nerve cells.
Today Neuroscience have found that the brain is 100% active. And studies say that the brain has specific areas with different function, but these areas are connected. So when one area is in function, the other areas are not inactive.
And also an important thing that the text says, is the the nature selection theory , which refers that is very cost to have a complex brain like the human, so it doesn’t make sense to have a complex brain which only uses its 10% capacity.
For this reasons this myth has been completely refused.
In my opinion, and to be honest, before I read this text I really thought that we only use the 10% of our brain, because maybe in the school everyone thought so, maybe because it was nice to think we had such unreachable capacity. But after I read the text I could realize and connect element and I could conclude that this thesis has a lot of true. So now I can be sure that our brain is 100% active.

Bye and good luck!

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