Friday, May 28, 2010

my favourite subject

Today I will write about my favourite subject. I will write what is it, why it is important in my future, in my profesion, a little experiense and why its like me.
This subject is physical therapy introduction.
Every monday at afternoon we have to go to diferent hospitals. There we must talk with the kinesiology who works there, and also we must see and talk with the patiente and make a little diagnostic.
It is very important in my carrer because first of all it is a good way to know if we like the work contacting with humans. And also we learn a lot with the kinesiology that works there.
The last monday I went to Calvo Mackena ´s hospital. It was a very big esperiense, because I was with a little boy, who had cancer. He was very frigthened seeing a lot of white apron. And suddenly he star to bring up, but the nurse didnt do anything, she only walked and walked.
I realy couldnt believe that a human can lost the sencibility.
In spite of this experiense, I liked a lot this subject because I think that it is a little rapprochment of my future profesion.

I hope that you like it and luck !


Monday, May 10, 2010


Today I will talk about a website that I enjoy. But I have to be honest, the internet doesnt amuse my self. To sorrow that I know that nowadays the internet is very important, and I also know that I have to use it a lot, and I use it a lot.
So, for this reason, I dont realy know about diferent website, therefore if you dont entertaiment with my website, I realy sorry.

A page that I use to use is, there you can find all the lyrics and guitar chords of spanish singers.
I use it a lot because a love playing the guitar, and this website is very usefull for me, it is a fast and easy way where you can learn about a song. And also I very like it because I enjoy with the spanish music, specialy with the chilean artist, the troubadours and the folkclore.

When I surf in I relax my self, not only when I am surfing, but also when I delight with the music.

Finaly, I want to say you: give you I time, acces to my website, and try to make music. It could be better for you.

Luck and I hope you like it.
